Final Review

Tips and Notes
- Check for and Update to Current Version of Manager Software.
- Make Backups on a regular schedule.
- Use the Delete Option cautiously.
- Themes are an Obsolete Function.
- Use automatic numbering on sales invoices, journal entries, and receipts.
- Set Up your own Tax payable liability account instead of using Manager's default account.
- Enable Unbilled Invoices for Time and Expenses Billings in Edit Screen.
- Use the Inactive Button to remove clutter from Customers, Suppliers, and Inventory files.
- Use Custom Fields.
- Set Form Defaults and Screen Listing Displays.
Sales Invoices - Defaults - Terms, Auto Invoice Numbering, Sales Tax Code, and Act as Delivered Note
Purchase Invoices - Defaults - Act as Received Note
- Get familiar with and use the Batch View Function.
- Use Autofill to fill in default information on forms.
- Update Inventory - items prices using the batch update function.
- Use the Copy To Clipboard Function for additional information and reports such as:
Customer List
Supplier List
Non-inventory Items Price List
Sales Invoices By Customer
Purchase Invoices Totals by Supplier
Purchase Invoices by Supplier
- Use screen listing searches and sorts to narrow down what you're looking for.
- Early Payment Discounts are a two step procedure - invoice and record.
- Use the Closed Invoices button if you don't want invoices appearing in the drop-down menus when receiving customer invoice payments or paying supplier invoices.
- Receive Receipts from Customer Statements and make Payments from Supplier Statements using the Copy to function.
Reports - Customer Statements - View - Copy to New Receipt
Reports - Supplier Statements - View - Copy to New Payment
- Use the Batch View function for printing customer statements.
Reports - Customer Statements - Batch View
- Create a Multi-month Profit and Loss Statement.
Enter the dates for the beginning and ending periods in multiple columns.
- If you have the ability, create custom reports to supplement the standard reports supplied by Manager.
- Use Manager's Test (Sample) company or better yet create your own test company and learn Manager's features before spending a lot of time setting it up and then not using it.
- Consider using my Quick Start Instructions for setting up Manager.
- New feature
Ability to view each accounting transactions document’s debits and credits by pressing a button when viewing transactions, there are now 2 buttons to switch between standard view and “transaction journal” view.