Manager Types Of Reports
Reports-Queries > Reports > Manager Sample Reports

Manager Types Of Reports
A reporting system can be included in each module or in its own reporting module. Manager includes all the reports in their Reporting Module.
Main Reports
Financial Statements
Profit and Loss Statement
Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget)
Balance Sheet
Cash Flow Statement
Statement of Changes in Equity
General Ledger
Trial Balance
General Ledger Summary
General Ledger Transactions
Receipts & Payments Summary
Special Reports-Detail Receipts - Detail Payments
Bank Account Summary
Customers/Accounts Receivable
Aged Receivables
Customer Summary
Customer Statements (Unpaid Invoices)
Customer Statements (Transactions)
Sales Invoices
Sales Invoice Totals by Customer
Sales Invoice Totals by Item
Sales Invoice Totals by Custom Field
Suppliers/Accounts Payable
Aged Payables
Supplier Summary
Supplier Statements (Unpaid Invoices)
Supplier Statements (Transactions)
Purchase Invoices
Purchase Invoice Totals by Supplier (Special Report)
Purchase Invoice Totals By Item (Special Report)
Inventory Items
Inventory Value Summary
Inventory Quantity Summary
Inventory Profit Margin
Inventory Price List
Fixed Assets
Fixed Asset Summary
Depreciation Calculation Worksheet
Tax Codes
Tax Audit
Tax Summary
Tax Reconciliation
Tax Transactions
Taxable Sales Per Customer
Taxable Purchases Per Supplier
Other Reports
If these tabs are enabled the following additional reports are provided:
Employee Summary
Payslip Summary
Payslip Totals per Item and Employee
Investment SummaryBillings
Billable Time Summary
Intangible Assets
Intangible Asset Summary
Amortization Calculation Worksheet
Expense Claims
Expense Claims Summary
Capital Accounts
Capital Accounts Summary
Special Reports
Special Reports