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Why Accounting is Important - Learn Bookkeeping For Free | dwmbeancounter.com

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Why Accounting is Important

Bookkeeping's Importance

Why are accounting and bookkeeping important ?
Why would you want to study and learn bookkeeping and accounting and keep up to date financial records anyway ? Can't you hire an accountant to come after the end of the year and get your checkbook and shoe box and do your taxes ?
Sure you can ! And yes you will have adequately fulfilled your taxpayer obligations. But in order to run a business and know what, where, and when to take corrective actions requires accounting information. How do you get and where do you find this financial information ? You don't if you don't keep accurate and current records about your business financial activities (bookkeeping).

Most, if not all of us, hate keeping records; but, the days of operating a business by the seat of our pants have long gone.

Bookkeeping's Importance
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