About My Site

My site began May 23,2002. I spent many hours researching what accounting and bookkeeping information was available on line and if the material presented was worthwhile. I came to the conclusion then and to a lesser degree now that good accounting and bookkeeping sites are hard to find; so my site is my attempt to try and fill the void. Ya gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince or princess. What qualified me to attempt this task ? I have over 40 years experience in business and even taught at a small business college for a couple of years.
Many hours have been spent by me in planning, designing, building, and promoting my bookkeeping and accounting websites and finding free tools and information to aid me. I've still got my clothes; but, I am, like a lot of ya , on a limited budget ! My first tutorial was my So, you wanna learn Bookkeeping! Introductory Bookkeeping Course. Over time I've added additional beginning bookkeeping tutorials, quizzes, videos, and games and developed My Tutorial Sites.
My Philosophy
My method of passing on knowledge is to make the subject easy to understand, inject a little humor, and to use simple examples and terminology to illustrate the accounting and bookkeeping concepts being presented. If you're anything like me I learn a lot easier when I can see an example of what we're talking about. Tell me and show me too.
Free Tutorials
Are the accounting and bookkeeping courses really Free? Yes, all my online bookkeeping tutorials and materials are available online for free. One of my objectives was to reach as many individuals as possible that wanted to or needed to learn about bookkeeping and accounting. How do I make any money? Thanks to my visitors, I make a little by selling my Bookkeeping Courses and some advertising. Notice I said a little. This helps defray the cost of operating and adding additional material to my website and puts some clothes on my back and food in my belly.
My Staff
Who does all the work on my site? I'm the head knocker that has to try and do it all.
Who Should Take My Courses ?
Anyone wanting to or needing to learn about bookkeeping and accounting !
My "Sister" Sites
For more courses, tests, and accounting help and guidance check out my "sister" sites.
Are the bookkeeping tutorials any good? Although it's sometimes necessary to toot your own horn, it's 100% better when others toot it for you.
Help Keep My Site Free !

Buy my products. A good deal is when everybody wins. You win by getting some excellent introductory accounting and bookkeeping materials, and I win by getting funds to help support development of additional bookkeeping and accounting tutorials and tools.
I'm one of the little guys and appreciate any and all support !