
Thanks for taking the time to check me out. I've attempted to be brief, yet provide enough information for you to decide if you want to be a Bean Counter Sponsor/Advertiser.
Do you have a quality web site related to accounting and bookkeeping, small business, education, or individuals ? If so, consider becoming a sponsor/advertiser and promote your product or service while at the same time helping to maintain my site.
Your support helps keeping my site free and in defraying the cost of my websites and the time involved in developing my free bookkeeping tutorials and searching for and reviewing additional sites in order to provide my visitors with additional sources for accounting and bookkeeping information. I'm just one of the little guys, and any and all help is appreciated.
Interested in becoming an Advertiser/Sponsor ?
About My Advertiser/Sponsor Program
While the US Marines are out looking for a few good men, I'm out looking for a few good sponsors.
Who Benefits ? Hopefully you, my site visitors, and even me.
That looks like a win, win, win situation to me.
My Sites Popularity Indicators
- Good Google Page Ranks.
- Good Visibility in Major Search Engines - Google / Yahoo / Bing
when searching for bookkeeping and accounting related topics.
- Many inbound links from other sites to my site.
- Visitors from the U.S and also from around the world.
- Approximately 8,000 unique visits per month.
Why going direct is a plus.
I'm a firm believer in going to the horse's mouth. It sure beats the other end !
You pick the site to display your message instead of Google, Yahoo, or any of the other major ad campaigns. In other words, you target your message where you think it will do you the most good. Ads displayed by the "Big Boys" attempt to display ads based on the content of the page displayed. Notice I said attempt. While in theory this would be great, based on my experience the current automated systems of displaying ads while getting better, too often display ads not at all related to the page's content. This doesn't help the advertiser, Google, Yahoo, Bing, or the publisher (me).
Type Of Advertiser/Ads/Sponsors Accepted
My policy in a nutshell:
- Quality not quantity.
- Preferably accounting and bookkeeping, business, education, or finance related sponsors whose site's are not localized. In other words, their service or product is U.S. or global in nature.
- No get skinny, prescription drugs, dating services, gambling, or sexually oriented sites will be accepted.
- Text Ads - only text ads are accepted. In my opininion, Banner Ads are being more and more ignored.
I'm the judge as to what is acceptable and what is not.
Not sure if I'll accept ya? Ask Me
Summary of Major Advertiser/Sponsor Slot Terms
- All advertiser/sponsor slots are subject to my approval.
- Bean Counter reserves the right to reject any Advertiser/Sponsor Listing(s) for any or for no reason.
- Advertiser/Sponsor slots are paid in advance using PayPal, a credit card, or a mutually agreed upon method.
- Advertiser/Sponsor slots may be cancelled at any time for any reason either by you or Bean Counter.
- Refunds are provided by Bean Counter for any whole unused period or periods.
Advertising Rates and Ad Placement
What's it going to cost me? An arm and a leg? That's definitely not my intent ! My rate is $125/month for my main site and $75 month paid monthly for my other sites and you are free to cancel at any time. That's cheap advertising. Not looking to get rich; just make a litlle so I can afford McDonalds. If you see a spot you'd like your ad placed let me know.
Popular Pages
Some of my most visited pages are the following:
Your Benefit
Sorry, I can't guarantee you any clicks, sales, sign-ups, contacts, or other benefits; but, neither does a listing in the phone book, your own website, newspaper ads, etc. You understand that it is up to you, your marketing, your web site, and/or your product or service to entice a potential buyer. What I can guarantee is the gratitude from me and that you're helping in making accounting and bookeeping training available to others for free!
Any Questions ? Ask Me
Note: These terms and conditions are subject to change