Bean Counter's
So, you want to learn Bookkeeping !
Hello my name is Dave and yes I'm a bean counter. No I didn't say alcoholic, that's a soft drink not a beer in my hand, and this is not a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. For those of you that don't know a bean counter is slang sometimes used to refer to a bookkeeper or accountant. I've searched the web for good bookkeeping and accounting tutorials and courses and came to the conclusion that they're hard to find so this is my attempt to try and fill the void.

What qualifies me to attempt this task ? I guess you can tell it's not my fancy dress code. I have over 30 years experience in business and even taught at a small business college for a couple of years. My method of passing on knowledge is to make the subject easy to understand and to use simple examples and terminology to illustrate the concepts being presented. If you're anything like me I learn a lot easier when I can see an example of what we're talking about. Tell me and show me too.
Who is this Course for ?
This bookkeeping tutorial and course is geared to business owners, managers, and individuals who have not had any formal bookkeeping training or on the job experience and need or want to learn the basics of bookkeeping and accounting. Oh by the way, you can teach an "ole" dog new tricks. In other words, this bookkeeping tutorial is for beginners (newbies) or those needing a quick refresher and is only an introduction into the world of bookkeeping and accounting. They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well, my goal is to make you dangerous.

Brief History Of Accounting and Bookkeeping
Father Of Accounting – Luca Pacioli
Father Of Accounting – Luca Pacioli
What’s Included ?
Each of the bookkeeping lessons in this bookkeeping course builds on and uses terms and concepts from the previous lesson(s). Also, some of the bookkeeping lessons will reintroduce and discuss some important bookkeeping topics discussed in other lessons. This repetition is by design. The more times that you are exposed to bookkeeping terms and concepts improves your chance for learning what accounting and bookkeeping is all about. Bookkeeping Videos are included to emphasize key concepts. Bookkeeping Quizzes and tests are used to test your bookkeeping knowledge.
Cartoons are used to add a bit of humor to your Learning Experience. Who says that Learning Can't Be Fun ? Not Me !

What’s Covered ?
The Introduction to Bookkeeping discusses the types of business organizations, types of business activities, users of financial information, bookkeeping systems, accounting rules, and the cash and accrual basis of accounting.
Lesson 1 The Bookkeeping Language introduces you to some of the terminology and definitions used in the accounting and bookkeeping language.
Lesson 2 The Accounting Equation discusses the Accounting Equations, double entry bookkeeping, and how business transactions affect the equation.
Lesson 3 Debits and Credits Introduces and explains Debits and Credits and how they affect the Accounting Equation and are used to record business transactions.
Lesson 4 Recording Business Transactions explains and uses examples to illustrate how business transactions are properly analyzed, recorded, and summarized.
Lesson 5 The General Ledger and Journals explains what General Ledger and Journals are, how they’re used, and what bookkeeping purposes they serve.
Lesson 6 Financial Statements explains what financial statements are, how they’re created,and how they’re used.
Quick Review half way through the course reviews the major definitions, concepts, and bookkeeping records previously discussed and necessary for an understanding of bookkeeping.
Final Review at the end of the course also reviews the major definitions, concepts, and bookkeeping records previously discussed and necessary for an understanding of bookkeeping.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you should know or be able to perform the following:
After completing this course, you should know or be able to perform the following:
Understand what accounting and bookkeeping is, why it’s important, and the key terms needed to discuss and properly use financial information.
Understand what makes bookkeeping “work”:
- Accounts/Chart Of Accounts
- Accounting Equation(s)
- Double Entry Accounting System
- Debits and Credits
- Rules
- Formal Records and Documents
How to analyze and record transactions using the formal financial records such as Journals and the General Ledger.
What Financial Statements are and how they are prepared and used.
The Vertical Menu on the Left Side Of The Page contains the Lessons / Sections for Each Lesson.
In some cases, you may need to Scroll Down the Page to select the Lesson / Section.
Each Lesson / Section has Buttons at the Bottom of the Page to use for Moving Back to Prior Lessons / Sections and Moving Forward to the Next Lesson/ Section.
How Long ?
You should plan on spending approximately an hour on each lesson.
How To Use The Course
You can first View and Read The Lessons / Sections and then Watch the Videos
You can first Watch the Videos and then View and Read The Lessons / Sections
Bookkeeping Videos
Bookkeeping Videos are included at the end of each lesson to emphasize key concepts.
Two Versions (Flavors) of 18 Bookkeeping Video Lectures are included. Take your pick.
One Version has audio included and the other does not.
Each Version of the Bookkeeping Videos lasts approximately 2 hours.

Optional but Recommended
In addition, a total of 15 Bookkeeping Videos lasting approximately 1 hour are included at the end as a Final Review for you to Review the Bookkeeping Terms and Concepts presented in the earlier Lessons / Sections.
Bookkeeping Testing
Bookkeeping Quizzes and tests are provided to assist you in discovering areas that may require additional studying.
Note:Skill Tests use JavaScript which is enabled on most computers.
Learning Aids
The following Learning Aids are included in order to help you to understand the bookkeeping concepts discussed in this tutorial:
Acronymn - Easy Way of Remembering the Types Of Accounts
Major Types Of Accounts & Relationships
Types Of Accounts
Acronymn - Easy Way of Remembering the Types Of Accounts and Debits & Credits
Basic Accounting Financial Statements Equations
Accounting Equation
Sample Balance Sheet Accounts
Descriptions & Definitions
Balance Sheet Accounts
Sample Income Statement Accounts
Descriptions & Definitions
Income Statement Accounts
Basic Bookkeeping Concepts Textbook
Bean Counter Tutorial
Terms & Definitions
Additional Accounting & Bookkeeping
Terms & Definitions
Debits & Credits Cheat Sheets
Help on determining when to Debit or Credit
Dr/Cr Cheat Sheet
Debit/Credit Flow Chart
Special Journals
What Journal To Use
Flow Chart/Diagram
Special Journals
You can Download the Learning Aids as PDF'S and use them as you complete the course.
So, you want to learn Bookkeeping ! Ebook Versions Available
For those that like to work offline, I've provided two Ebook Versions of my tutorial, an Interactive Ebook and PDF version available to download as a zip file and use on your computer for a small fee of $14.95. Ideal for classrooms, since you can install a copy using a flash drive on all the class's computers where students can access the tutorial without an internet connection. A one time purchase allows you to install the Ebooks on as many computers as you need as long as it is used for educational purposes.
Within 60 days, if unhappy for any reason, your purchase will be refunded - no questions asked. Contact me

Copyright © Bean Counter
Cartoons on this site provided by Ron Leishman. All Toon images are copyright © . No images may be resold or redistributed without prior written permission from Ron Leishman. If you enjoyed them, get some of your own Toon-A-Day.
The information provided on this site is not intended to provide or be a substitute for specific individualized accounting, tax, legal, business, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, Bean Counter recommends consultation with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, Financial Planner or Investment Manager. The information provided herein is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation, personalized investment advice or an endorsement by Bean Counter. The information presented is obtained from what are considered reliable sources; however, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed and therefore should not be relied upon as such. Bean Counter accepts no liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.
Bean Counter and their affiliated parties make no representation regarding sites that you might access from this site and are not liable for any damages that you incur from their use.