Bean Counter's
So, you want to learn Bookkeeping !
Hello it's Dave again. For those of you that took my free So you want to learn Bookkeeping! Introductory Tutorial or any of my other bookkeeping tutorials we've already met. For those who haven't, I'm a graduate of the University of Tennessee (Go Vols) and a Bean Counter (accountant) with over 30 years of experience.

Who is this Course for ?
This bookkeeping tutorial and course is geared to business owners, managers, and individuals who have not had any formal bookkeeping training or on the job experience and need or want to learn the basics of cash management and forecasting. Oh by the way, you can teach an "ole" dog new tricks. They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well, my goal is to make you dangerous.

Prior Knowledge Needed
None ! But, if you need to "brush up", check out my Beginning Bookkeeping Tutorial
What’s Covered ?
The Introduction provides you with a quick way of determining what this course offers, discusses, and provides. In other words, what the course is about. Also, it discusses and provides you with some introductory concepts, definitions, and information about what makes up the "world" of Cash Management.

Lesson 1 Recording Cash Transactions discusses and reviews the different journals, records, documents, and forms used to record and keep up with the cash coming in and going out of a business. Sample journals, records, and forms are illustrated and discussed to show you what journals, records, and forms to use and how to use them.
Journals, records, documents, and forms discussed include:
- Check Book
- Cash Disbursements Journal
- Payroll Journal
- Cash Receipts Journal
- Daily Cash Form
- Deposit Book and Slips
- Credit Card Slips
- Checks
Lesson 2 Petty Cash explains what Petty Cash is and how you set up, control, operate, and replenish the fund when it "runs out of cash". In addition, samples of the various forms and records used are illustrated and explained. A detailed example is also provided as an aid to understanding how to operate a Petty Cash Fund.
Lesson 3 Cash Controls attempts to take the mystery out of what accountants call Internal Controls - specifically the internal controls that involve Cash. So you know what the fancy term internal controls means right away it's just the policies, activities and safeguards that are in place to provide reasonable assurance that things are going as planned.
Internal Controls as they apply to Cash are just the policies, activities, and safeguards that are in place to provide assurance that Cash is properly being protected, managed and controlled. By the end of this lesson you'll realize that a small business can adequately monitor and control it's cash just by implementing some good ole common sense procedures.
Lesson 4 Bank Reconciliation defines, explains, and illustrates common banking terms that you need to understand in order to accurately prepare a bank reconciliation. The lesson also discusses and explains what's involved, what records are used, and the detailed steps taken to properly prepare a bank reconciliation. In addition, the lesson has you, with a little help from me, actually prepare a bank reconciliation for a fictitious business.
Lesson 5 Cash Forecasts / Projections / Budgets discusses and explains what a Cash Forecast is, what's involved in preparing one, why you need one, how it benefits you, and what information and tools you need in order to prepare one.
The lesson also provides you with a free Simple Cash Forecasting Template (Excel, free Open Office Spreadsheet, or Libre Office Spreadsheet needed to use). The Cash Forecasting Template is explained and used when you prepare an actual Cash Forecast for a fictitious business. Don't worry, I provide help and guidance along the way !
Lesson 6 Review, as in the case of all of the last lessons in my tutorials, summarizes and reviews the major topics and concepts that we covered.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you should know or be able to perform the following:
- How not only profits but also cash flow are critical elements to the success of a business.
- Some ways to consider and implement to improve your cash flow.
- The importance of maintaining good cash records and what the records are.
- What a petty cash fund is and how to use one.
- How by establishing some common sense rules and procedures you can help safeguard your business's Cash.
- The importance of preparing a monthly bank reconciliation and how to prepare one.
- Why a Cash Forecast is an excellent tool for a business to use and how to prepare one.
The Vertical Menu on the Left Side Of The Page contains the Lessons / Sections for Each Lesson.
In some cases, you may need to Scroll Down the Page to select the Lesson / Section.
Each Lesson / Section has Buttons at the Bottom of the Page to use for Moving Back to Prior Lessons / Sections and Moving Forward to the Next Lesson/ Section.
How Long ?
You should plan on spending approximately an hour on each lesson.
How To Use The Course
You can first View and Read The Lessons / Sections and then Watch the Videos
You can first Watch the Videos and then View and Read The Lessons / Sections
Needed Materials
In order to do the Cash Forecast Exercise you need Excel or a Free Spreadsheet Software and the Exercise Materials.
Cash Videos and Final Exams
Cash Videos and Final Exams are included at the end of the course to review and emphasize key cash concepts and test your knowledge.

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