Manager - Where Do I Go ?

Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
Record a cash sale
Record a payment received on a customer's account (accounts receivable)
Record a rent payment
Record a payment on a supplier's account (accounts payable)
Adjust prepaid insurance
Invoice a customer for a purchase made on account
Record an invoice from a supplier on account
Add a new income account to the chart of accounts
Set up a recurring sale
Prepare customer statements with outstanding invoices
Look up all customer's unpaid balances
Create a Balance Sheet
Create an Aged Customer Balances Report
Look up all supplier's unpaid balances
Look up total current bank and cash balance
Look up inventory balances by item/product
Look up inventory quantity on hand
Add a new customer
View a listing of suppliers
Sales invoice totals by customer
Set up custom fields
Create an income statement
Enter a lock date
Record depreciation
Display sales invoices listing